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Disease Management – Sales Related Members Update

Disease Management – Sales Related Members Update


For entry to Western Australia no testing for Johnes is required as of the 17th of January, 2022.

Testing and treatment for Liver Fluke is required to some areas. This process can be achieved post sale.

For entry to the Northern Territory the requirement is that you can be a JBAS 6.


If any of your animals are sold to the Northern Territory or Western Australia please see your agent, prior to leaving the Saleyards, to confirm that all paperwork is in order for fast delivery of sale animals.

For all sales you will require the following paperwork to be completed and to travel with the cattle:

  • National Vendor Declaration
  • National Health Declaration
  • Most Recent BJD Testing Results
  • A copy of the Front Page of your Biosecurity Plan.
    It is advised however that you do travel with your full Biosecurity Plan should it be required.

Please make your own enquiries with your Veterinarian re above information.


Producers may choose to introduce small numbers of animals with a lower score; however this may affect your J-BAS. It’s important you are confident that the source herd is low risk and well managed under good biosecurity practices. Introduced animals should be noted in the biosecurity plan and handled through actions like monitoring them for signs of illness, keeping them separate from vulnerable young cattle on the property and/or testing them (especially if a J-BAS 7 and 8 herd where testing is required).

Introductions for J-BAS 7 and 8 herds should be discussed with the veterinary advisor before purchasing the animals.

This is best practice for the introduction of all cattle to your herd.

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