
BIN Info and Downloads

BIN Info and Downloads

Northern BIN Steer Project

The joint Northern BIN Steer Project between Australian Brahman Breeders’ Association (ABBA), Droughtmasters Stud Breeders Society (DSBS) and a consortium of Santa Gertrudis Breeders with funding assistance from the Meat & Livestock Australia Donor started in 2015 and is now in its tenth year.  The project purchases the steers from the Repronomics project from Spyglass and Brian Pastures just after weaning and Background them on industry properties. The Northern BIN Steer Project is providing growth and carcase data which is assisting in the availability of genomically enhanced EBVs through the “Single Step” analysis and a future Tropical crossbred analysis. This is possible as the Brahman and Droughtmaster steers (from Spyglass and Brian Pastures) and Santa Gertrudis steers from Brian Pastures have been run together since birth, having only been split during the joining period of their dams in the Repronomics Project.

To date the Northern BIN Steer Project has purchased ~ 3500 steers of which ~1600 are Brahmans by more than 100 different sires. The sires of the steers are either proven sires with a large number of registered progeny (few of which have been performance recorded with BREEDPLAN) or young up and coming bulls.

Data collected on the steers includes 400 day, 600 day weights, carcase scan at 600 day weight and prior to slaughter. Steers are also structurally scored at the scan prior to slaughter. MSA data is collected in the meatworks and a meat sample is taken and sent the meat science lab at the University of New England (UNE) where Shear force and IMF data are collected.

Brahman BIN Project steers a perfect fit for ABBA’s BEEF 2024 Dinner

BIN Project Logo

By Matthew Noakes.
Photos by ABBA & Carmen Howells, Studio Thirtytwo.

Between the Brahman BIN and Northern repronomics project to date close to 2600 steers have been killed and data collected. Most of these cattle have been processed at the TEYS Australia Biloela meat plant. Collecting this information and an inch thick striploin sample of each carcase can be quite an imposition on a meatworks day to day operation. The staff at Biloela have always been more than co-operative and obliging.

In 2024, Brian Pastures BIN steers (Cohort BP 22) have been some of the best that we have processed to date. Ninety nine percent of these steers graded M.S.A.

These steers averaged 324 kg with 10 mm of fat predominantly 2 teeth with only four, 4 tooth steers.

Thirty eight percent of these steers were in the premium range of 54.5 index or better with the highest M.S.A. index being 56.55. This is a significant result as originally Brahmans weren’t supposed to achieve indexes over 54.5.

Two out of three processors would have accepted 96 percent of these steers into their premium grassfed programs.

BIN Project Steers imagery
BIN July 15, 2024
BIN July 15, 2024
BIN July 15, 2024
BIN July 15, 2024
BIN July 15, 2024
BIN July 15, 2024
BIN July 15, 2024
BIN July 15, 2024
BIN July 15, 2024
BIN July 15, 2024
BIN May 7, 2023
BIN May 7, 2023
BIN May 7, 2023
BIN May 7, 2023
BIN May 7, 2023


    Click on the each sire below for the full EBV

    Batandra Nevada 3800Brahrock ZodiacBe Os Finegan Manso 179
    Batandra Toby 3983CBV10-8194Bungoona Corben Manso 2214
    CBE 080239Elrose DonnyBungoona Lawson Manso 2283/6
    CBE BEL050390FBC D Mondo MansoCambil Tommy Rocket 3673
    Danarla CaineFern Hills S MonarchCarinya Whitewash
    El Mariah Locke Stock N BarrelGarglen Digger 2ndElrose Pharoah 4873
    Elrose SignificantlyHazelton KaruzaFBC D Arnie
    Elrose You BetLancefield A HerculesFBC Megatron Manso 345/1
    Fairy Springs JR 2770Lancefield A NitrateFBC Messiah Manso
    Fairy Springs Red Leader 2700Lancefield M Darwin 2977Kandoona 7964
    FBC BECKER 191/1Lancefield M RiptonLancefield D Dominus 4342
    FBC D Eton MansoLancefield BuchananLancefield Madigan
    Fern Hills Kingston 1840Lancefield Whistler 4067Lancefield M Romeo
    Hazelton B Sir AngeloPBF Magnum 456Lorimar Park Exodus
    KP MontyRaglan Mr JoshuaMogul Yokum
    Lancefield AmbitionRockley AbercrombiePBF Austin Manso 866/7
    Lancefield Burton MansoRockley Manchester 2757Roxborough 2096
    Lancefield D LasarusRoxborough 2229Carinya Max 1739 (CRC)
    Lancefield M Bounty Hunter 2309Samari Plains LukeLancefield 4405 (CRC)
    Lancefield M Ruthless 2302Sha Ann Apache GoldMcKellar Ricardo (CRC)
    Mogul YalumbaSomerview KostyaNewcastle Waters Toby (CRC)
    NCC Serengeti 240Tartrus Remus 6286Tartrus Abel Manso (CRC)
    Nyleetta Rio NegroYandaloo EricTartrus Sambo 3273 (CRC)
    Raglan Mr Gallagher
    Sha Ann Wise N Up
    The Rivers Revolution 665
    Whitaker Julius

    Challenged by nature
    Backed by science
    Proven by performance

    183 East Street, Rockhampton Queensland Australia 4700
    PO Box 796, Rockhampton QLD 4700
    Phone: (07) 4927 7799
    Mon - Fri: 8:30am - 5pm
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